Performance Testing

Establish peak capacity and performance of host

Acquiring host is the starting point of any EMV transaction. Acquiring host should be able to process a large number of real-time payment messages to establish peak capacity and performance.

PayHuddle helps acquirers do performance testing by replicating messages from all or part of the payment chain – issuer, network or terminal. This is done in an automated manner, which provides real-time view of the host’s performance.


Our Solution

PayHuddle helps acquirers do performance testing of their host systems and improve their confidence of deploying their hosts into production.

Our Services include:


Objectives of the Acquirers/Processors


Pre-requisites to ensure performance validation


Simulators with data generation drivers – issuer, network, terminal and card


Generation of huge number of throughput messages per second based on real data


Test execution with simulated payment messages from various actors in the payment ecosystem


Test analysis and reporting


Constant monitoring of hosts for issues arising out of load and stress


Performance validation


Lithos, the host platform from PayHuddle can simulate all the hosts in the payment ecosystem – issuer, scheme/network, card, terminal and acquirer. With acquirer under test, all the payment transactions are simulated by the other hosts and they are validated for performance with our host platform.

At PayHuddle, we have helped acquirers/processors with their performance testing needs, allowing them to go-to-market with confidence.


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